"Your Path To Financial Success In 2 Sessions"
If not you, who? If not now, when?
I'm here to help you navigate your financial journey and provide personalized advice that will help you meet your goals.
In a complimentary consultation, we'll discuss:
What are your financial goals
How you can achieve your financial goals
How to secure your financial future
I will help you figure out how you can achieve financial freedom. After the consultation, you will have the blueprints to a secured financial future.
It's time for you to stop stressing and finally take control over your finances forever. Talk to me right now.
I will help you figure out how you can achieve financial freedom. After the consultation, you will have the blueprints to a secured financial future.
I can provide multiple services to help your financial situation now and for the future
Transference of Wealth at its Full Value
Your most complete financial program
Turn on the true value of your wealth
When life throws you a bad curve ball, you can still manage it
It's smart to start saving early so you can retire worry free.
Ensuring Quality of life & Head start financial plan for your children
A personal investment portfolio that will withstand shocks
Practical wealth building strategies to optimise your financial journey
Ensuring smooth business transition at optimal value
Let me share with you my thoughts and ideologies on financial planning
“A house built on sand cannot stand”
Since ancient times, strong cities have strong protective city walls against its enemies. We must be wise to take advice. Wealth protection, risk management, is like a fighter pilot, we must take necessary risks, but we must not take unnecessary risks. The great philosopher Socrates once said, “The greatest certainty in life, is the certainty of death; and the greatest uncertainty in life, is the uncertainty of the timing and moment of death”. Wealth protection is the foundational plan that will bring certainty to the uncertainties of life.
“Who would start to build a house without first knowing if he has enough to complete it?”
The first advice from the classic book, Richest Man in Babylon, “A part what you earn is for you to keep. What you keep is yours, what you don’t keep is not yours”. How much you have accumulated is a measurement of your ability to keep what you make. It determines your ultimate sense of security for yourself and your future. Start a financial accumulation plan early in life and experience the power of compounding interest and cycles of times work for you.
“Without consultations plans are frustrated”
“Investing without proper research is gambling” quotes Peter Lynch. Money is hard earned, it must be managed. “Money is a good slave and it will come in big quantity to its owner who finds employment for it”, paraphrase from the classic book Richest Man In Babylon. Managing wealth is multi talents skill. Assets allocation strategies, rebalancing portfolio strategies, patience to plan, to monitor and to follow through, are just a few to name. These are tedious and meticulous work. IPP is a global wealth management platform that has your best interest at heart.
Chuah Soh Ping, fondly known as Ruby Chuah, has almost 5 years of experience in property development with SP Setia. Prior to that she was with PWC as an auditor. As a financial planner, her skills & knowledge will benefit her clients to achieve Lifetime Financial Success.
Growing up in the 90’s in the affluent segment of the society and having her tertiary education in Australia, gave her a massive exposure to financial planning, resulting in her belief of a career in financial planning in Malaysia.
Throughout her years of experience in corporate, financial & cash flow planning affirms her beliefs in financial planning for individuals. Her expertise and knowledge in the area of finance, both locally as well as abroad, has placed her in a sweet spot within the financial planning industry.
In the future, Ruby’s goal is to extend her client base - ranging from professionals, high net worth individuals and prominent local businessmen where they would benefit from her enriching expertise. Financial Associate of IPP Financial Planning Group, Malaysia.
Financial Associate of IPP Financial Planning Group, Malaysia.
“In life two things are certain – death and taxes” quotes Benjamin Franklin. It takes a life time to build wealth, but just a moment to destroy it. Wealth Distribution is that moment. It is a bridge between the living and the dead. It is the transfer of wealth at its full value. Wealth Distribution represents your entire life’s philosophy and belief, your final act of love and legacy to the people you loved most. Wealth Distribution is the final piece of love that will last forever.
If you are ready to solve your financial problems, please contact us right now before it's too late!
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